Friday, November 25, 2011

'Running' to Feed the Hungry.

So it's been awhile since I've felt like posting anything. Life certainly has a way. It's that 'way' that I sometimes have trouble finding. And sometimes it's not the 'finding' that troubles me, but the 'way' itself that's disagreeable...but no matter, rest assured, I always come around.

Yesterday AJ, along with his girlfriend Naomi and I, participated in the 18th annual Run to Feed The Hungry. AJ and I first started this 'tradition' when he was just a little guy. In fact, I mentioned it to Naomi saying that AJ was still holding my hand the 1st time we'd participated. Being in a co-parenting relationship meant that it was a biennial (every other year) tradition, but a tradition none the less.

I was stoked when AJ called and asked if I was going to register. "I just registered Naomi and I, are you going to do it with us?" Stammering, "Y-yeah, sure Bud, I'll jump online now" I said, swallowing that bullfrog that was trying to climb right outa my throat, I grabbed my laptop and reg'd for the 'Timed' adult 10K. Sympathetic flashes of pain ran down my legs as I imagined...running. Something I hadn't done in almost 3 months and when I did, it had been over a year before that, leaving me hobbled and in pain for no less than 4 days. 2 miles...yes 2 whole miles on a flippin' treadmill at that! Pathetic! I used to average @6'15" miles not that long ago. A far cry from record breaking, but not too shabby either. That 'bullfrog' was because it had been almost 4 months since AJ and I had spoken. "I miss you Dad, I've just been so busy with Water Polo, school, and work, but I think about you all the time." Like I said, life has...a way.

"Would you like Facebook and Twitter updates?" said the saucy voice on the other end of the line. "HUH!?!" I replied. "Yeah, we offer free Facebook and Twitter updates with your registration, your friends and family will be able to track you...would you like them?" Oh great, now everyone would be able to see how bad I suck! Thoughts of the entire cycling community laughing and falling off their respective chairs, sofa's, loveseats, and trainers as they tracked my every I'm sure they all would. Jens would blog about it, Levi would tweet, Johan would text me with, "Come on, keep going, you can do better than this!" Fabian would offer to have Andy or Frank hand up some 'Beans'. Big George would run by saying, "Get on!". I could hear Hernando over the loud speaker, "And there's Snovel, getting dropped by...everyone!" Judd would run up next to me, slowing to shake his head in disgust, knowing that I'd been drinking way too much beer as he and Heather would spryly trot off, pushing their jogger. Phipps would 'Unfriend' me, Mach would...mock me. JB would tell me to just stop because "Human's weren't meant to run!" Everybody laughing, "Cats and Dogs living together...MASS HYSTERIA!" ... "Uhmm...SURE! Why not!?" I replied.

The nice thing about 'getting older' is that, if you're anything like me, you know for a FACT that you're in just as good, if not BETTER shape than you were before...even if it's the furthest thing from it. So, no REAL concern...really. Hh'I mean, after all, that 2 miles you did back 3 months ago was on the heels of a long, hard race season where you'd raced almost 45 really, what kind of shape were you in? I mean, you're well into the 'fat' end of the off season, enjoying everything from your coffee and a scone on your leisurely Sunday mornings to a nightly beer...or two before and with dinner. You're no longer averaging 15-20 hrs a week on the bike, more like 6-8, 'when you feel like it' no less. I mean come-ON!'re anything like me...right? :0/

So, it's raining. For once, the weather man was right. First thing that comes to mind as I roll out of bed, stumble to the kitchen, start filling the kettle and look out the window...maybe AJ won't call. Second thing, glad I didn't plan on doing the Turkey Day Ride. Would much rather run in the rain than ride...okay, not really, but there is less clean up.

What to wear? I had a pair of running shoes from '06 that were new in '05. All my 'running' gear had been either thrown out or given away in 'The Move' so I was down to some cycling socks, a pair of 2XU compression tights, a pair of Basketball shorts, and a short sleeve Pearl Izumi base layer. I did find a Craft 'used to be' water proof shell from '04 so I threw that on for good measure. Meanwhile AJ and Naomi show up looking as fit and hip as E-VER and we're off.

After getting AJ and Naomi reg'd, little snafu when AJ tried earlier in the week, we made our way through the 26,000 or so other folks just in time to hear them announce that the 5K'ers were about to start so, we took off. Just as we start to catch our stride, some dude comes flying by like we were standing still, and of course, I shout out, "HEY...TAKE MY TIMING CHIP!" But, the jerk just kept on running. Whatev!

We ran, we joked, we laughed. It was so much fun, until we came to the 2 mile marker.
             "2 MILES! ARE YOU F'ING KIDDING ME!?!"
                    "C'mon Dad! We only have a little over 4 to go!"
                          "THIS IS STUPID!"
Just then, I look up and see Peets Coffee. I gotta tell ya, if it weren't for the slide show of years past  flashing through my mind of AJ and I doing this run, I'd have stopped right then and there. But, I kept going....after a short session of me begging and pleading that we stop and 'enjoy our time together', but you don't need to know that. Oh.

Soaked to the core, but just as warm as can be, we cross the line. We walk for a while, AJ with one arm around Naomi and the other around his Dad. We get to the car, drive over to Peets and grab a mocha and a scone and...enjoy each others company. We chat for a while, share a few laughs, and Naomi says, "I think we should make this a tradition." Absolutely.

Thanks for reading...and may you have a safe and happy Holiday season.


Anonymous said...

You really need to write a book! You are such an amazing writer!! Think about it really!!! Jaime

Unknown said...

Nice J! I'm glad you two had an awesome Thanksgiving!

JJSnovel said...

Awe shucks! Thanks Jaime, but I think I'd need more than just a hand full of people reading it. ;)

Sarah, we need to join forces soon and do some cookin'! Or, maybe you do the cookin' and I'll do the eatin'. ;)