Well, it's that time of year again. Almost all of the beautiful, vibrantly colored leaves have fallen to the ground. Temperatures are dropping. Appetites are growing. Sunlight is dwindling. Time to revisit one of the most incredibly epic performances of any human on a bicycle. First, in order for me to open the door for rational dialogue, I must admit my biased opinion being that the afore mentioned cyclist is...American.
Andy Hampsten wrote about his experience and instead of my chopping it up and perhaps failing to do it justice in summary, I figured I'd simply repost his own words. Every time that chill crawls up my spine while out on a blustery day, I try and imagine what it must have been like attempting to ride the wheel of this incredible cyclist on this day...this day of self definition, of self understanding, of mind, body, and soul numbing masochism.

So, here it is
June 5th 1988 The day the strong men cried...